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8 things to do at home while social distancing

By March 16, 2020March 17th, 2020No Comments
7 things to do at home while social distancing

As the coronavirus travels the globe, many families are choosing to stay home and practice social distancing to avoid further transmission. If you’re staying safe at home read our ultimate guide to social distancing.

Health officials around the world have announced social distancing is the best way to prevent the coronavirus (COVID-19) from spreading any further. If you’re unsure what the term ‘social distancing’ means we’ve got you covered… 

According to the Australian Government, ‘social distancing’ simply means “less contact between you and other people” (Australian Government, 2020).

If you’re like many families choosing to stay at home with the kids I say the fun does not have to stop, there are multiple things you can do at home to keep yourself and your family entertained and productive until this pandemic slows down.

In this blog, I share with you eight things to do while social distancing with your family.

// 1. Set aside screen-free time

Watching a family movie together on Netflix is always good fun, but there’s no denying screen time will drastically go up while you’re cooped up at home.

To combat the spike in screen time, make an effort to create screen-free activities you can do with your kids inside your home, things like board games, arts & crafts, reading or even exercising (think yoga!) are great alternatives.

// 2. Declutter your spaces

Notice how decluttering is always at the top of your mind, but mysteriously becomes deprioritized? Okay… maybe not mysteriously, just a good old blind eye (LOL don’t worry I do it too!).

Well, great news! Now that you’ve got some more time in your home, why not tackle the pantry or that one cupboard that gives you shivers?

Begin by taking out every single item and taking note of what you’ve got (you can even add these notes to your Life Sorted app).

If something’s out of date throw it out and add it to your Life Sorted shopping list to buy. If you’re looking to prolong the life of your food, try some airtight food containers to keep your ingredients nice and fresh.

And, if you want to take your organization one step further, bring out your labeller and go crazy!

TIP: Remember to organize your pantry by zones, this will help you see what food you need to restock and where the groceries belong.

// 3. Cook recipes your family love

If you’ve ever experienced cabin fever you know it only takes time before someone gets on your nerves (if you have a teen you definitely know what I’m talking about!).

So what better way to keep everyone happy than cooking the family’s favourite dishes?

I’ve baked my kids their favourite white choc-chunk brownies to keep their spirits high and sugar levels up.

For dinner prepare meals of high nutritional value and recipes that can be made in big batches to be frozen for later. A great example is my hearty Minestrone soup made up of 18 different vegetables and herbs (yes you heard me right, 18!), a family favourite that I often create in a large quantity to last.

// 4. Get active outside

Social distancing does not mean complete exile from the outside world, you can still go outside to your backyard or a local park.

Maybe it’s time to tend to your garden, mow the lawn or water your plants!

If you don’t have a green thumb, perhaps it’s time to finally upcycle that dusty piece of old furniture you’ve been eyeing off in your garage. 

I personally love getting crafty with my hands and knitting Macrame wall hangers, check out my macrame keychain tutorial here

// 5. Prepare sensibly

Rather than panic buying half the grocery store, be responsible and buy things with intention.

Stocking up for the next couple of weeks is a great way to ensure your family has everything they need while they socially distance themselves at home.

Download the Life Sorted app on everyone’s devices and tell each family member to enter the items they need for the next week or two into the shopping feature.

This smart feature will ensure you’ve got everyone’s requests. This is also very useful to a parent as you can weed out the ‘wants’ from the ‘necessities’. Watch this short video to see how it works.

Please remember we’re all going through this together, so when you’re in the grocery store take only what you need and leave the rest for others. 

Don’t buy spam… or any other products you wouldn’t normally eat. Although, things like long-life milk and extra flour make sense.

  • Medicines – Stock up on the essentials for a cold or flu, that way if symptoms do present you can alleviate straight away.
  • Frozen foods – Buy foods that can be frozen i.e. bread, mince, chicken, berries, green vegetables, etc.
  • Canned foods – Make sure you have tins of canned food incase fresh supplies run low, think tomatoes, corn, beans, tuna.
  • Fruit and vegetables – Avocados, bananas, tomatoes. Don’t be afraid to buy produce that is not quite ripe, they’ll be edible soon enough.
  • Pasta, rice and cereals – These basic items keep for quite a while and give you options when it comes to preparing meals.

Don’t know what to buy? Download an essential list of shopping items here.

// 6. Look after your wellbeing

The mental toll of a pandemic can be quite taxing and completely worrisome for an individual, especially if you have a child and parents at risk! Please don’t forget to partake in activities that help you reset your mind and calm anxiety.

  • Exercise – You can still exercise at home! Try YouTube tutorials or fitness apps to get the blood pumping. 
  • Yoga – If you’re prone to anxious thoughts Yoga can be a great way to short circuit your negative thinking and return your mind back to a positive mindset.
  • Meditate – Break the virus anxiety cycle with some meditation, Calm app has some great tutorials to get you back to being zen.
  • Be present – Try this simple exercise daily to ground you in the present moment by Elizabeth Gilbert. “Look at your current surroundings. Name 5 things that you can see, 4 things that you can hear, 3 things that you can feel, 2 things that you can smell, and 1 thing that you can taste. There. Now you have landed in this moment, in this place. And this moment, in this place, is the only time and place where we ever have a chance to find peace.”

// 7. Practice kindness 

I believe in times like this we should practice even more kindness and understanding. Unfortunately in these types of situations, we are powerless – there is no rule book to follow. 

So, I say let’s take back the control by filling the void with kindness. I encourage everyone who is reading this to try as many acts of kindness and compassion as you can during these times. It will help you just as much as those around you.  

It could be as simple as paying someone’s coffee forward or asking your elderly neighbour if they need anything from the shops.

// 8. Support small business

And lastly… Please during this pandemic support the small businesses in your local community where you can.

Go to your local butcher, the little greengrocer, the family-run pharmacy that’s been around for generations. The big supermarkets and retail heavyweights can take the hit… the smaller independent businesses cannot.

Consider buying gift cards from your local restaurant or hairdresser for your friends (or yourself) to use down the track when things calm down.

Sending my love and prayers to you and your gorgeous family – you’ve got this!

x Jo

Jo Burgess

Jo is the creator of Life Sorted, one of the highest rated family organizers on the app stores. She’s proud to be helping thousands of families live a happier life together, by giving them a way to keep their family’s events, birthdays, to-dos, shopping lists and reminders in one place.

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